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EI Leadership Workshops

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The Resilient Leader


This one day course is designed to help individual leaders, and their teams, become more stress tolerant in the workplace.

Working in the NHS can be incredibly stressful. Stress and other psychological factors are by far the leading cause of sickness and absence. This interactive programme includes the science of E.I., and dives deeper into individual resilience strategies. Participants take a resilience quiz assessment and identify actions to enhance their resilience and develop practical skills to minimise the impact of workplace stress. No mud used.



The Emotionally Intelligent Leader


During this one day programme, participants will improve their understanding of emotions and E.I. Participants will also explore and practise tools and techniques for applying E.I. in their leadership, and creating high performance in others on that basis. Specifically, we explore the neuroscience of emotions and emotional intelligence, examine tools and techniques for effectively asking for,and responding to, feedback;
explore techniques for developing self and other awareness, examine
how we can use reactive and proactive techniques to build our resilience and effectively manage strong emotions, and explore an approach for facilitating engagement discussions with staff members.

The Engaging Leader


A full day course where participants discuss what employee engagement is, how it’s typically measured and why it’s important to organisational performance. We examine feedback on engaging leadership competencies and determine leadership behaviours you could demonstrate to enhance staff motivation and engagement, and practise applying models and techniques for enhancing
individual staff motivation and engagement at work.

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